Friday, April 30, 2021

3 strategies to deal with binge eating for a healthier relationship with food

Let’s face it, most women have binged on food before and let’s not label it a bad and wrong thing.  It’s alright to every now and then to eat a little more food as you may need it.  The thing is if you do it regularly this may cause you some concerns with your health and weight.  Sometimes stress gets to you and you may reach for food as comfort while other times you like the taste and texture and it may be the only thing that seems to bring you joy.  Regardless of why you do it, the important thing is to moderate it and know that you can not so much control it but embrace it to understand that you may need simply just a bit of love, some extra food sometimes and to listen to your body wisdom.  The 3 key strategies to deal with this are:

  1. Give up diets and restrictive behaviour. When you restrict your body and deprive it of the nutrients it needs of course you are going to have hungry times.  You need food to survive so if you are drastically restricting or dieting you may find during or at the tail end of the diet you become ravenous and regain weight because you have lost it the wrong way.  When you give up diets and restrictive behaviour, you find you are healthier in body and mind and you are better able to metabolise while feeling full when you have eaten because you are eating enough food.
  2. Notice if you are craving food or love. So many women are deep down lonely or disconnected from others in ways that make them feel that food is their best friend.  If this is you, you must seek some assistance to overcome that and find ways to fill the void with something other than food.  You are worthy of true connections with other people and of loving yourself no matter what so know that you don’t need to reach for food to bring about that connected feeling, you can find ways to connect with yourself and others.
  3. Listen to your body wisdom. If you are bingeing often you may be out of touch with your body and ability to know when you are full.  It is important to learn to notice your own body wisdom and the way food makes you feel while listening to the signals of when you have had enough food.  You may need some strategies to embody such as massage, exercise, dancing or other movement to be able to regain connection.  Just know that disconnection from your body is a common thing and you can find ways to curb the bingeing habits by doing what brings you joy and lights you up while listening to your body wisdom.

3 strategies to deal with binge eating for a healthier relationship with food is courtesy of


Thursday, April 29, 2021

3 myths about body image which prevent you from feeling lovable

Too often women think that a certain body shape or size is what makes you lovable.  As a result of the images of women in magazines, media, social media and other mediums it appears that the women who are classed as beautiful are the ones who have it all and are loved and lovable.  I must emphasise that if you are one of these women who work in those areas, you are most definitely not wrong and be proud of your success. It simply is not the truth that you need to look that way though to be loved. There are many women of all shapes and sizes including yours who are loved by themselves or others.  You don’t need to look a certain way to be lovable, regardless of what other people say about you or you say to yourself.  These are the 3 myths that prevent you from feeling lovable:

  1. You will be lovable when you lose the weight. This myth is one where women get caught up in putting love of self and their body off until they lose weight.  Additionally, they might think that others loving them may revolve around the way they look.  Sadly, some people do hinge their love on the way you look but you must remove those people and listen only to yourself when you learn to say that you are lovable now regardless of your body shape or size. You are lovable now and when you lose weight.
  2. You will meet your dream man when you shift the weight. If he wants you for your body, you have the wrong man.  When it comes to love of your soul mate and life partner, you must choose wisely and ensure you are able to find the one who loves you no matter what your body shape or size.  What would happen if you became pregnant or something occurred, and you gained weight?  Would he stick around?  You must learn to love yourself now and embrace the fact that there are men out there and one in particular that wants you for you regardless of what you look like.
  3. If you morph your body into a woman like in the magazines, media or social media you will have arrived at a place of love? This is a very big myth and if you are woman in the media realm, well done on your success and if you are not you can be successful in your own way.  You don’t need to morph into anyone else to be lovable and to have it all.  Of course, work your way to health and wellbeing and have your goals but don’t think that life is all roses if you look like one of these women.  Everyone has challenges at times in their lives and be humble about your beauty and know that you are lovable right now just the way you are.  You can achieve your goals while aspiring to work with what you have in terms of what you were born with and take measures to ensure you are able to feel worthy and deserving of love regardless of the way you look.

The following article 3 myths about body image which prevent you from feeling lovable was first published to Battle Babes Fitness blog


Wednesday, April 28, 2021

How to embrace your age and your body as it changes

As I write this, I am 44 years young and you may be wondering why I have launched this magazine at a time when the odds are against me when it comes to my body shape and size.  It is important to not feel like you have to look like a teenager with your body when you mature and age and to embrace your body now for the way it is.  So many challenges may be knocking down your door with the odds stacked up against your metabolism but that is no reason to diet, seek a quick fix or gimmick or give up on the weight, body image and fitness game.  It is a daily task to deal with the forces of nature and the most effective ways to deal with this are the following:

  1. Embrace your body at all phases of life. You may be younger reading this and be prepped for your future or you might be in your 40’s like me and wanting to know that firstly you are not alone in the fight against the forces of nature.  The thing about this is that you are made to be healthy and look after yourself and the best way to start doing that is to release the pressure and stress over the way you look and start putting your attention and focus on embracing and loving your body while letting go of the perfectionism for the results you truly want.
  2. Tell yourself daily that you are beautiful and amazing. The more you affirm this the more you become it and the less stress you place upon yourself.  When you think about what you want to be like, of course take actions toward that but know that if you never lost another kilogram that you are beautiful and amazing anyway.  Your health must come first and losing weight is something I’ve become accustomed to and good at while the thing is that menopause and the aging process make it sometimes difficult to have what you had when you were younger without surgery.  Loving yourself and knowing you are beautiful and amazing now will set you free.
  3. Stop comparing yourself to your younger self or younger women. When you stop comparing yourself, you become liberated and empowered in a way that has you understand you are unique and perfect just the way you are.  If you are inspired to lose some weight, then by all means do so for your health and use your past body shape or size or an image of the body you want that is realistic but don’t place all of your worth and energy on the way you look and comparing yourself to the old you or younger women who are in a different phase of life.  Start accepting your situation and know that with age comes wisdom and if you can find peace in the war on weight, body image and fitness you become abundantly free.

The article How to embrace your age and your body as it changes was originally seen on Battle Babes Fitness blog


Tuesday, April 27, 2021

3 things to master with your psychology of eating for balance


Your psychology when it comes to eating is imperative and to understand why you are eating as much as noticing how much and what you eat.  Inside of this mission, there is much that can be learned from yourself if you see your journey with eating as one that is to learn from and embrace your behaviours and non-behaviours to cause you to be able to be empowered with your eating.  Your eating psychology is imperative to your results because the way you eat and the emotions surrounding this can impact your metabolism and digestive system.  3 things to master with your eating psychology are:

  1. Give up perfectionism. So many women go on diets and try to stick to it perfectly feeling like they are missing out and like they are literally as I described it – on a diet.  Striving for excellence is important and making sure you eat healthy 80% of the time for results that are sustainable.  Perfectionism can be debilitating, and it can cause you to berate yourself and create a stress response in your mind and body while triggering emotions leading to overeating, binge eating or obsessive behaviours.  Let go of perfectionism and replace it with excellence and diligence for lasting results.
  2. Master slow eating. Slow eating is an aspect of psychology even if it seems like it may not be. Often if you fear food or you are feeling guilty for what you are eating, you may eat quickly to get it over with.  Additionally, fast eating may simply be a biproduct of your schedule and lack of time, but it becomes a habit that can be difficult to break.  Your psychology around food can greatly impact your eating speed and it is important to know that fast eating can create a stress response in the body causing the body to store fat and metabolise slower. Give your body a break and learn to slow eat.
  3. Notice your emotions. Your emotions play a very large role in your eating psychology because your emotions are derived from your psychology and subconscious beliefs, fears and concerns. When you notice your emotions, you are better placed to identify your eating psychology and what your thoughts and feelings are from those thoughts.  This can take working with a professional to ensure you uncover the real reasons you may be emotionally eating and how you can dissolve this once and for all.  When you notice your emotions, you give yourself half a chance of healing them as a problem well stated is a problem half solved.

The following blog post 3 things to master with your psychology of eating for balance was first published to Battle babes fitness


3 top tips to start running and build fitness

When it comes to running, it is important to condition yourself before you start out.  This can be done in a number of ways and it is important so you can avoid injuries, burnout and setbacks through possibly going too hard too soon.  So many women get started on a fitness program and jump right into it when they aren’t ready to start running.  Of course, a little isn’t a problem in a gym class or bootcamp environment, however if you want to run those kilometres, it is important to start where you are at, push yourself to the next level when you are ready and do what you are capable of and that is always more than your mind can fathom in the beginning.  My 3 top tips to starting out with running are:

  1. Start with walking. Choose a long walk that is a challenge and do that consistently for at least four weeks to be able to condition your body.  You will find that when you walk you will surprisingly tone a little and also challenge your cardiovascular system somewhat to be able to get ready to get going to the next stage of running.  I found that the longer the walk to begin with, the more conditioned I was for the run that was much shorter in the beginning enabling me to breed some success.
  2. Partake in some weights training. When you are conditioning your muscles for running, strength training will help you have a stronger body for a better metabolism and ability to withstand the stain of running.  Strength training is vital to your success with running and you will find if you do a circuit-based program where you raise your heart rate, you will be better equipped to manage running.  Core stability also impacts your strength.
  3. Do a walk and run program to begin with. Once you become used to walking, your body will adapt to exercise.  After 4 weeks of walking, try a short distance with a walk/run for 1 minute on and 2 minutes off and build up to be able to increase the time you run and decreasing your rest time.  This interval training will enhance your metabolism while increasing your cardiovascular capability and ensure that you build safely up to running the entire distance.  Take it easy to begin with and create yourself some success and seek professional guidance to be able to take things to the next level.

The following article 3 top tips to start running and build fitness was originally published to Anna Maria Lang's fitness blog


Monday, April 26, 2021

3 ways to feel good enough regardless of how skinny or not so skinny you are

The quest to be skinny can be almost debilitating for some women.  In this quest there are missed opportunities because you may think you need to be skinner before you date, relate, start a gym program, go for your dream career or maybe it is that dream holiday.  When it comes to feeling good enough, this can be a very challenging mission for some, and this is to enlighten you to some ways you can overcome the judgement of self or others.  This is a mission that I am passionate about because I have missed many opportunities in the past for my or other’s opinion of my body.  You don’t need to put things off and you don’t need to feel you aren’t good enough any longer because you are.  Here are 3 ways to feel good enough:

  1. Your worth does not depend on your body shape or size. You are better than that.  You are more than what the scales or tape measures say.  You can get out there and make things happen because there is no rule book that says only super skinny people are successful – regardless of what you might think based on popular belief from the media and social media all shapes and sizes can succeed.
  2. Take actions toward what you want. This builds self-worth and has nothing to do with the way you look or even want to look.  It has everything to do with what you are called deep inside to do and what you truly want and desire in your life.  Taking action toward your dreams will inspire you, uplift you and provide you with a great sense of worth and value to the world.  It will make you feel you are making the change you want to toward what you know is meant for you.
  3. Surround yourself with other people who love and adore you for the way you are. These people must be people who don’t judge and condemn you for your body and weight. You must ensure you find your tribe who are healthy and going places while making sure they embrace your body and shape the way you want to.  It is very uplifting when others can love your body more than you are and that helps you to be able to love and embrace your own body more.  You deserve to be around people who are non-judgemental and empowering you the way you empower them.

3 ways to feel good enough regardless of how skinny or not so skinny you are is courtesy of


How Women Can Promote Non-judgement & Body Diversity

Judgement of bodies is rife in society for many reasons, and it has infiltrated the hearts and minds of women across the globe.  

Comparison and lack of diversity has many women stuck for fear of getting out there, doing what they want to do and making things happen such as exercise, career and relationships.  Being body diverse and practicing non-judgement goes both ways and it is important to ensure you practice it with others and yourself.  

It is a fact of life that weight may fluctuate yet fat on the body has been labelled a bad, immoral or wrong thing causing women to suffer immensely for self-imposed and externally inflicted judgement.  

In this mission, you will discover 3 ways to practice non-judgement for body diversity and you know that sense of freedom all women are seeking from that which may control them – body hate.  The following keys will enlighten you to a new approach for the acceptance of you and others:

Women’s Health and Fitness – Weight Training To Lose Weight

Women’s Health and Fitness – Weight Training To Lose Weight

Weight gain is a lot easier as you grow older particularly as the motivation to exercise also wanes, but you can turn it around it does not matter how old you are. You should start to weave some sort of exercise into your daily life.

One type of exercise that you should consider to do is weight training, also known as strength training or resistance training. Weight training will not only help with losing weight but will also trim and tone your body. Age does not matter it has been shown that women as old as 70 who have started to weight train and have improved their body strength within a very short while.

Weight training is an important element in fighting flab; maybe it is the most important. If you do aerobic exercise you only burn fat during the exercise but with weight training you burn fat even when you have finished. The body is still burning fat for up to as much as twelve hours after finishing the exercise whilst it is building the muscles worked, so you can still be burning fat while you are resting. But that is not the end of the story.

A body full of muscle uses far more calories than a body full of fat, so you will find that you will need to eat more to maintain your weight and your muscle. You do not need to worry that you will bulk up like a body builder, as you do not have the right makeup to do this, as a woman you will only elongate and define your muscles, and build lean muscles.

When you first start to weight train you might find that your weight will actually increase. This is because muscle is heavier than fat but as muscle is smaller so you should notice the body getting smaller even if the scales do not show an decrease in weight.

The additional benefits from weight training are:-

1. It helps to strengthen and increase the density of your bones because the act of the muscles pulling and flexing the bones helps to lay down more bone fibre.

2. Stronger muscles helps your body to be more steady and so helps to prevent falls.

3. It has also been found that it can fight the build up of abdominal fat by lifting weights at least twice a week.

Finally when weight training make sure that you change your routine around so that the body can not get use to the routine. It only takes the body about six weeks for it to learn how to work efficiently if keeping to the same routine and therefore you will stop seeing any weight or body changes.

So have fun and start weight training to lose weight and tone your body.