Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Overcoming vanity and the opinions of others to win the war

The world has gone image conscious mad. It seems like worth is being placed upon the way women look, what they do and how perfect they seem to be.  It appears that women must be immaculate and thin all of the time to be deemed a worthy woman.  It’s a battle out there for women and the war needs to be won because they are suffering at the hands of a bombardment of images that are deemed perfect when the reality is that perfection is in the eye of the beholder. This war has been waging since the invention of the media and mediums where gossip has taken storm in the world causing women to think that they are never enough because imperfection has been a weapon used against women for generations.

In understanding this battle, you begin to see that perfection is internal, it is your internal self and your inner beauty that really counts.  Be as stunning externally as you like, but don’t place your worth on what the war out there is teaching women.  I know it’s difficult, I know you may struggle but don’t look at it if it’s concerning and impacting you.  Just live your life, do what you want and win this war hands down by making sure you look after yourself starting from the inside out.

This war is one that women need to win.  Lives are being lost in action for the eating disorders and body dysmorphia while women are losing themselves in the game of perfection while not loving their imperfections.  It’s a long and arduous road for the world to recover from what it has done to women.  There is a lot to answer for, for the way that women are used as pawns in a greed and vanity game where to win this war you must care, but don’t care too much.  Be mindful of your health and wellbeing, accepting that sometimes you may go off the wagon and so what! It’s a fact of life that nobody is absolutely perfect!

The following post Overcoming vanity and the opinions of others to win the war was first published on Battle Babes Fitness blog

Saturday, March 26, 2022

Fighting for what you want for great results

Sometimes you have to fight for what you want because the enemy may try to take you out of the health and fitness game.  As you go on this mission, make sure that you remain true to who you are while ensuring you take things head on for results that are what you want.  In doing this you are able to beat the enemy at its own game by fighting for what you know is meant for you.  Sometimes you may lose your footing and be setback and it’s what you do with that setback that matters.  Do you wallow and stay there, or do you rest up, take things on and fight for what you know is meant for you – true health.

This is one mission worth embarking on because the way for you to succeed is not always graceful, although you can create it that way as much as you can.  Unfortunately, external forces my attempt to strike you out but you must always remain true to the task at hand and keep going no matter what occurs.  In this article I want to emphasise that the fight is necessary in this day and age because of the amount of temptation in the world, the bombardment of advertisements, the media, social media and the endless list of things that stop women from succeeding at the health mission.

Being wiped out happens sometimes so make sure you re-group and get yourself back on track and that is who Battle Babes is for also.  It is for those who have been struggling and who want to get back on track or starting out so you can win the war on weight, body image and fitness.  You can win this war hands down and if you fight sometimes, you will get through any resistance to make way for a life that is healthy, amazing and very much about loving your body and self no matter where you have been and embracing your mission for where you are going.

Fighting for what you want for great results is republished from Battle babes fitness

Sunday, March 20, 2022

The process of getting back on track after a setback

In life we are all human and, in this mission, it’s important to understand and appreciate that you can’t be perfect all the time.  Things happen in life and your quality of life depends on your health, while don’t be to upset if you let yourself go or you for reasons outside of yourself struggle.  When it comes to your weight, it isn’t a reflection of you and the person you are regardless of what society has conditioned you to think and the bombardment of images from the media have you feel about yourself.  I know what it’s like to struggle and to have setback after setback and the best thing you can do for yourself is to love your body and self no matter what because being a prisoner of the war on weight, body image and fitness will only impact your mental health and have you unable to connect when you truly need to with others.  These insights will assist you to find ways to overcome the thoughts about yourself in the instance of a setback and get back on track with power and precision:

  1. The mirror and scales are not the enemy.

    The enemy is the thinking that you aren’t good enough and that you are not a good person for letting yourself go. It is the negative self-talk or external talk of others that may have you think that you are not where you are supposed to be, but you are right where you are meant to be – turning things around.  As you use the mirror and scales, notice your thoughts and how you feel about yourself and take the time to give yourself some love instead of hatred so you can win the war on weight, body image and fitness for a life that is amazing and profound as I know you may have been haunted for most of your life by these thoughts.  Be sure to embrace the power of reframing for a mind that works for your greater good.

  2. Reframe your thoughts to manifest what you want.

    I write about this a lot, and reframing is one of my favourite things to do because the enemy may try to make you think things about yourself that simply are not true but can become true if you allow the negative thoughts to rule you. As you reframe your thoughts, you turn a negative into a positive by thinking or writing down the opposite of what you think or even what other people say and balance your emotions for outcomes that are profound. When you change your thoughts, you change your mind.

  3. Know what you want.

    As you know where you are going and what you want your mission seemingly impossible becomes possible. It becomes something that you are able to achieve in milestones so seek professional assistance to set some goals if you need help and go about methodically and systematically achieving them with precision.  As you know where you are going, you may come across some obstacles so be sure to embrace them as part of the journey and live your life with health and win the war on weight, body image and fitness by having a health vision for yourself to be the best you can be.

The process of getting back on track after a setback was originally seen on