Thursday, August 26, 2021

3 ways to be proud of body regardless of what it looks like

If you aren’t looking the way you used to or want to it can be difficult to feel a sense of love for your body.  You might find you are wearing clothes to cover your body and to hide rather than owning your body and embracing it curves and all.  You might not do things because of the way you think you look.  In this mission, I encourage you to own your body shape and size while knowing that dressing the way you know is your style while being proud of your body in a non-vain way.  This means being humble about the way you look and making sure you get out there, do what you want in life and overcome all opinions of your body including your own.  These insights will assist you to be proud of your body regardless of where you are at in your weight journey:

  1. Know that you are lovable no matter what you look like.

    So many women hate their bodies thinking it will mean they are not lovable or loved for the way they look. I must say this and that is if a man for example or others don’t want you for the way you look, they are the wrong people for you.  If you surround yourself with those who love you regardless of the way you look, you become prouder of your own body as you are surrounded by love and acceptance.  This is a great strategy to be able to learn to embrace your body because when you are constantly reminded by you and others that you are lovable, you become that.

  2. External opinions don’t count but your internal focus does.

    Others may judge you if you are thin or not as thin and it becomes a no-win situation for women because of the way society has projected upon women that they should look. External opinions aren’t for Battle Babes.  They are the enemy because many people will tell you or say that you aren’t looking good enough or thin enough or judge your shape and size.  If you are surrounded by external opinions that don’t encourage you, be sure to change your circles or do something about it because you are a powerful woman who can stand tall and proud in who you are body shape and size and all.

  3. Your beauty is internal not external.

    Beauty on the outside is just fine to seek but do it from a place of internal beauty coming first. Battle Babes look after themselves in a humble way while vanity is not for you but looking and feeling stunning through the window to the soul (your eyes) is the way to know how beautiful you truly are.  Your body can change in different phases of your life so if you put your internal beauty and glow first, you are better able to feel proud of who you are as a woman.  You are more likely to attract people who are about internal beauty and let go of the shallow ones where looks are everything - and go where internal beauty is what is the most important aspect of who you are.  Be proud of your body no matter what you look like while putting the internal first and allowing yourself to glow and be seen for the true beauty you are.

The following article 3 ways to be proud of body regardless of what it looks like was first published to

Saturday, August 21, 2021

3 ways to overcome impostor syndrome for lasting success

Many women think they aren’t thin enough or good enough to do things far too often.  They may be struggling with self-image and see themselves as bigger than they are or think that their weight is the thing that will impact their success when it shouldn’t.  I am a realist and understand that sometimes some industries hinge success on the way you look but those industries are not for Battle Babes to conform to, just be yourself, go for it in any industry and make sure that you do what you are meant to do in your life.  What are you putting off thinking you are an imposter for the way you look?  Maybe it’s your dream career, relationship or fitness program.  The number of times I have heard women say that they will get thin and fit before they go about living their dreams is sad when it should be the opposite.  Live your dreams and lose weight if you want to but don’t do it for any reason but for you and your health.  With these insights, you will be able to find some peace over imposter syndrome and the way you may not see your true success can be transformed:

  1. Know you can have your dream career.

    Most of us in in a world where women are often oppressed find ourselves experiencing imposter syndrome. When you focus on your dreams and your vision for your life, your weight becomes something that is not an aspect of your success in terms of having ‘made it’ in the world.  Your dream career will light you up, reduce stress therefore releasing tension on your nervous system and enabling you to feel joy more often because you are doing what you love. When you know you can have your dream career and even if you are living it now, how can you go about seeing that you deserve it and it’s something you are worthy of?

  2. Appreciate you are worthy of your dream relationship.

    How many times have you seen women sabotage relationships because they had imposter syndrome and didn’t feel good enough for the man they have attracted who may happen to be their soul mate. He just wants to love you, but you may feel below him or not worthy of him and that’s just not the game Battle Babes should be playing.  Your weight is not something that determines the calibre of man you attract contrary to popular belief.  It is not a sign of your worth and it shouldn’t be the thing that makes a man attracted to you, it must be your inner glow and beauty.  Your body shape and size don’t matter in the grand scheme of true love and your true deep soul connection does.

  3. Understand you are deserving of optimum health.

    Do you feel like an imposter in the gym or healthy situations because of the way you think you look? Do you find yourself struggling to fit into healthy groups because you feel you don’t deserve friends or a lifestyle that is conducive to health? So many women think that healthy groups are for only the really thin people but that’s not true.  Groups of good people accept all body shapes and sizes, and you are not an imposter and most likely you look better than you think you do.  In understanding you deserve optimum health; you give yourself a chance at creating it.  You are not an imposter for putting yourself out there in the realms you want to become or already are, you are a stunning deserving woman who belongs.

3 ways to overcome impostor syndrome for lasting success is available on Battle babes fitness

Friday, August 13, 2021

3 ways to find freedom around your body image

Are you suffering as a result of the way you look at and think about your body?  In this day and age, there are so many things impacting mental health and to add body image concerns to the mix, that is something I believe in society needs to be addressed.  In this mission, it is important to realise that you are not your body shape and size, it means nothing about you as a woman and although it may reflect your habits, it doesn’t make you any lesser human being for sometimes gaining or losing weight? Freedom is what we all want right? I believe that when you realise it’s a journey and not a destination, you get to experience an element of freedom that has you know that you are worthy and deserving of everything life has to offer regardless of what you look like:

  1. Looks aren’t an indicator of success or empowerment.

    Too many people think that looks are an indicator that you have ‘made it’ in life. So many women look at the media, magazines and social media thinking that success hinges on body shape and size while image seems to have become everything.  Of course, look after yourself and your beauty regime but don’t make it your everything and don’t hinge your thoughts, feelings and emotions on the way you look because one day you will age, you will develop curves where you didn’t have them before, and you will wrinkle. Make sure you understand that empowerment is based on internal factors and living according to your true values while looks don’t mean you are or are not empowered.

  2. You are worthy of an amazing relationship, health and career regardless of your body shape or size.

    Too many women think that when they are skinny, they will make it in the world. Sadly, some career paths hinge on being skinny and beauty only or mostly but the world is changing where all shapes and sizes are to be represented in all areas.  How many times have you thought that your soul mate will come want you when you are skinner or look different?  If he wants you for your looks only get rid of him as he isn’t the one for you.   How many times have you thought you will start or up the ante with your health when you lose some weight?  Know that you are worthy now and get started now regardless of what your body looks like.

  3. Learn to look at yourself in a positive way.

    What do you think when you look into the mirror? I know it might seem difficult to embrace your body curves and all, but you must for the sake of your own quality of life. When you look at yourself in a positive way, you balance out any negativity you may be thinking about yourself.  You get to free yourself and know that love is in the positive and negative and embracing it all regardless so you can feel worthy and deserving because over negativity could be the very thing making you miss out on your dream life. Looking at yourself in a positive way, you get to see that you are able to manifest beauty in it’s true form – love in all aspects of who you are now.  You are beautiful regardless of your body shape or size.

3 ways to find freedom around your body image was originally published on Battle Babes Fitness blog